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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Chemo #6 - Halfway Point!

Last Tuesday, June 28, was the halfway point!  I was not able to jump up and down, so I was doing it on the inside!  :)  I saw the doctor, and everything looked good, except I'm still losing all my iron, even after taking more.  He told me chemo takes all the iron your body has, and then some.  I thought it was funny, because when he walked in to the room, he commented, "I thought you looked a little anemic standing up there singing last Sunday morning."  I'm so thankful to know people are looking out for me!  So, I'm working on iron supplementing.  The chemo went well.  The nurse began the nausea medication even earlier than last time, and I didn't get nauseated until late that night.  I was even able to go watch the church softball team play that evening!  Praise! Of course, the pump came out on Thursday, and that always helps the nausea a bit. 
My throat is getting worse, just as they said.  It's hard to swallow, and my mouth keeps alternating between being too dry, and having too much mucus. (Sorry if that's too much information.)  My hands are becoming more and more sensitive to cold.  They cramp, sting and ache.  My feet sometimes react to cold, also. The nausea continues, as always.  Once again, I would never want any of you to think I am complaining. I could be so much worse. It's just that I had no idea what chemo patients went through, and I feel it would help you to know what is involved, and also how to pray.  I know this journey has been such a learning time for me as I have seen others go through chemo.  I praise the Father for each new day.  Thank you for praying for me!

"Don't wait for God to answer your prayers. The purpose of prayer is not to get answers, but to get to know God! Every answer to prayer will be followed by other requests. We think: “If this or that would just happen, then I’d be fulfilled.” Yet, even miracles will leave you dissatisfied if you don’t turn your attention back to God. It’s a great seduction! I fell into it for years. Only one out of the ten lepers Jesus healed came back to thank Him. (Luke 17:17–18) Nine out of ten never looked back. Don't obsess over what you don’t have; rejoice in every morsel God provides, and more will come. He’s a loving Father who promises to give us everything we need."
Francis Anfuso

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